Saturday, March 20, 2010

I love it when I find new things!

About a year ago, Louie suddenly started having (shh, don't tell her I told) body odor!   I had heard about there being aluminum in deodorant, but I had about a 20 year supply of ArridXX that I got for a steal of a deal, so I was going to just keep using it until it ran out (or I died from too many metals in my body).  But when my baby suddenly seemed to be sometimes in need of deodorant; well, there was NO WAY that I was going to let her be exposed to all that junk!  So I chucked (well, donated - other people are going to buy it anyway.  I may as well save them some money.  Right?) my 20 year supply and bought some natural deodorants from the health food store.

Now, I'm not the stinkiest person in the world, (like, you can't smell me unless you stick your nose too close), but I definitely DO have body odor.  With my Arrid, by the end of the day I kinda stunk, and with my natural deodorants, by the end of the day I kinda stunk (and really stunk by the time I got to my shower next day).  Unless a shirt had a lower armpit, I couldn't wear it more than once due to the musty smell.

So, I was reading through Lady Susan's blog a few days ago and came across her recipe for deodorant.  (I think it could possibly have uses on babies bums too.  I wonder...)  I had all the ingredients already, so I thought I would make a trial batch (since it is a 1:1:1 ratio, my trial batch included 1/2 tsp. of each ingredient.). I have a ton of arrowroot (a lot more than I have of cornstarch), baking soda and coconut oil that I had purchased through Azure Standard.  I decided to go unscented for my trial batch.  Why waste the essential oils?

Day 1:  Yesterday.  As you may have noticed from my previous blog, it was a crazy day.  That being the case, I didn't get out of my shower until 2:00 (naptime!).  I applied the natural deodorant mixture with my fingers (I also was too lazy to melt the oil first, so it was more "cut in" than completely mixed.  I just had to mush it well to get it stick together better.)  It kind of had the feel of my old ArridXX.  I kept thinking I had to wash the deodorant off my hands, and then had to remind myself that I could eat this stuff if I wanted to, and I didn't have to wash it off.  I could just rub it in!  I smelled myself before bed.  Nada.  Not even the faintest musty smell.

Day 2:  Today.  So, I normally take a shower every day (cause I'm too stinky not to), but today I had to be somewhere early, and didn't have time to.  But I wasn't stinky when I woke up, so I thought I would be okay.  I didn't even wash my armpits, but I did reapply some more of my natural deodorant, to be safe.  I smelled my pits throughout the day (I did perspire some, but I'm okay with that).  No smell.  And I just smelled myself about 1 minute ago.  Nothing.  I smell like me!  Without any stench!  I am so stinkin' excited!

Now I just need to find a deodorant container to put my homemade stuff into.  Anyone have some extra Arrid containers they want to get rid of?

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